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Interactive project "Rettsitsytsya - 2025"
Students of the Minsk Radio Engineering College take part in the Minsk stage of the republican interactive project “Retsytatsiya-2025” as part of the Republican Festival of Artistic Creativity of the student and student youth “Art-Vakatsi”.
This competition is dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of the Belarusian poets Petrus Brovka and Peter Glebki, in connection with which the guys read the verses of these authors: 💪 “Ploshchs of the pencils”, 💪 “Giving Belarus” and “I will go out to wound”.
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Садовская Надежда, Полевода Георгий – П.Броўка «На плошчы Перамогі»
144.7 MB
Макарова Валерия – П.Броўка «Дарагая Беларусь«
61.6 MB
Верёвка Евдокия – П.Глебка «Выйду я раніцай»
76.5 MB